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Rezultati pretraživanja

Broj rezultata: 3

Naslov:Popular fiction : technology, ideology, production, reading / [ed. by] Tony Bennett
Impresum:London ; New York : Routledge , cop. 1990
Materijalni opis:xv, 486 str
Nakladnička cjelina:Popular fiction series
Napomena:F. - Zastupljeni autori: Williams, Raymond ; Heath, Stephen ; Ellis, John ; Anderson, Benedict ; Porter, Dennis ; McArthur, Colin ; Turner, Graeme ; Mulvey, Laura ; Place, Janey ; Kuhn, Annette ; Modleski, Tania ; Brand, Dana ; Moretti, Franco ; Ginzberg, Carlo ; Belsey, Catherine ; Tulloch, John ; Alvarado, Manuel ; Kerr, Paul ; Harris, Neil ; Rose, Jacqueline ; Bennett, Tony ; Woollacott, Janet ; Morley, David. - Str. 461: Bibliografija. - Kazalo
Ključne riječi:kultura * tehnologija * fikcija * društvo * film * ideologija * televizija * rod * feminizam * žena * seksualnost
Sažetak:I. POPULAR FICITON AND CULTURAL TECHNOLOGIES. -1.The technology and the society. -1.The technology and the society / Raymond Williams. -2. Onscreen, in frame: fim and ideology / Stephen Heath. -3. Broadcast TV as cultural form / John Ellis. -4. 'While Millicent bucked and writhed...' / Stephen Heath. -II. FICITONING THE NATION. -5. Apprehensions of time / Benedict Anderson. -6. The language of detection / Dennis Porter. -7. Scotland and cinema: the iniquity of the fathers / Colin McArthur. -8. Representing the nation / Graeme Turner. -III. PLEASURE, GENDER, SEXUALITY: FEMINIST REAPPRAISALS. -9. Afterthoughts on 'Visual pleasure and narrative cinema' inspired by 'Duel in the Sun' / Laura Mulvey. -10. Women in fim noir / Janey Place. -11. Sexual disguise and cinema / Annette Kuhn. -12. The search for tomorrow in today's soap operas / Tania Modlesky. -IV. KNOWLEDGE, POWER, IDEOLOGY: DETECTIVE FICTION. -13. From the glaneur to the detective: interpreting the city of Poe / Dana Brand. -14. Clues /Franco Moretti. -15. Morelli, Freud and Sherlock Holmes: clues and scientific method / Carlo Ginzberg. -16. Deconstructing the text: Sherlock Holmes / Catherine Belsey. -V. PRODUCTION. -17. Send-up: autorship and organization / John Tulloch and Manuel Alvarado. -18. The making of (the) MTM (show) / Paul Kerr. -19. Made in Ealing / John Ellis. -20. Out of what past? Notes on the B film noir / Paul Kerr. -VI. READING. -21. The operational aesthetic / Neil Harris. -22. Peter Pan and the commercialization of the child / Jacqueline Rose. -23. Figures of Bond / Tony Bennett and Janet Woollacott. -24. Television and gender / David Morley
Ostali autori / urednici:Bennett, Tony
Signatura:82.09 PO
Inventarni broj:08/597, 08/598, 03/246, F-1673
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za komparativnu književnost, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/komparativna

Autor:Tulloch, John
Naslov:Risk, the mass media and personal biography : revisiting Beck's knowledge, media and information society
Matična publikacija:European journal of cultural studies / [editors Pertti Alasuutari, Ann Gray, Joke Hermes], Vol. 4(2001), no.1, p. 5-27
Impresum:London ; Thousand Oaks (CA) ; New Delhi : Sage publications, 2001
Napomena:Tromjesečnik. - Bibliografske bilješke uz tekst. - Str. 25-27. - Bibliografija. - Abstracts
Sažetak:Članak počinje s Beckovim pozicioniranjem medija unutar rizika moderniteta te argumentira tezu da je njegova analiza puna propusta. Članak je baziran na australskom istraživanju čiji autor se koristi dugim intervjuima kao metodičkim načinom. Istražuje logiku i privremene biografije svakodnevnog života studenata.
Ključne riječi:Beck * mediji * biografije * studenti
Vrsta građe:Članak
Knjižnica:Zbirka sociologije, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/sociologija

Autor(i):Tulloch, John
Naslov:Movements of Religious Thought in Britain during the Nineteenth Century / John Tulloch ; with an introduction by A. C. Cheyne
Impresum:New York : Humanities Press ; Leicester : Leicester University Press : , 1971
Materijalni opis:338 str. ; 20 cm
Nakladnička cjelina:The Victorian Library
Napomena:Str. 337-338: Kazalo pojmova i imena
Ključne riječi:povijest engleske književnosti * književna kritika * viktorijanska književnost * 19. st. * religija
Signatura:AN 820(091)"1832" TUL M
Inventarni broj:11366
Vrsta građe:knjiga
Knjižnica:Knjižnica Odsjeka za anglistiku, http://www.knjiznice.ffzg.hr/anglistika

Upit: PersonalName_swish=(Tulloch John )
